Whether it’s the water we drink, the water we bathe in, or the water we use to clean our everyday products (clothing, dishes, etc.), having clean water is often something that we take for granted.
When an issue with our water quality occurs, we might seek various water filtration products in an effort to protect our health. But are water filters actually effective for extremely dirty water? Is it worth investing in these items when we have a water issue we need to take care of?
Let’s take a closer look at what water filters are capable of accomplishing in regards to truly cleaning water.
First, What Should You Be Worried About? How Do We Define Extremely Dirty Water?
Extremely dirty water can mean different things to different people. One person may interpret extremely dirty water as water that’s coming out of the faucet discolored, while others are more focused on the chemicals within the water that are affecting it, even if it comes out fairly clear.
Water that is visibly dirty can occur for any number of reasons. However, the most common reason is that there are issues with the water pipes (corrosion, breaks, etc.) in your home that are releasing rust and sediment into your water. This can be both concerning if the changes don’t stop and off-putting if you use the water for showering or washing your clothes.
But even when water seems to be clear, that doesn’t mean it’s not extremely dirty. Fortunately, the majority of public water sources successfully eliminate bacteria and harmful substances like lead, mercury, and more from the water. However, minerals, chlorine, and other toxins may still make their way through. This can impact both your health internally and externally.
The main thing to be concerned about when you’re looking to improve your water quality is all of the contaminants not being filtered out before reaching your home (or the physical contaminants coming into your water via your pipes). But now that we have a better understanding of all the different ways water might be contaminated, the next logical question is, can water filters help?

Are Water Filters an Effective Solution?
While you may want the answer to be as crystal clear as your water, the answer is that it depends. Water filters vary wildly in terms of quality as well as in terms of how they function. For example, let’s imagine that you recently purchased a shower filter to improve the water quality in your bathroom.
If you purchased a regular shower filter, it may only be removing sediment and other impurities. If you purchased a product that’s designed to tackle hard water or even improve water quality with certain materials, you are likely getting the water quality you desire.
Of course, the same goes for your drinking water. If you purchased a water pitcher for better drinking water – or to use for certain products like your aroma diffuser – is it actually getting the job done? Some water pitchers may not be the right fit for your water because there’s an issue it’s unable to solve (like using an alkaline pitcher with hard water).
Additionally, various filters for drinking water have different methods of filtering water, including employing activated carbon, using UV sterilization, or even leveraging reverse osmosis.
The main lesson to learn here is that every water filter is different. You get what you pay for, and it’s important that you pay close attention to both how your water filter of choice functions and what others have to say about it.
The last thing that you want to do is purchase a water filter that doesn’t get the job done. Make sure you get the right filter for your specific needs. Always replace these filters on time to keep them working as intended as well!

Finally, Always Reach Out for Support
Water filters can be a great way to ensure your water quality is contributing to your overall health and wellness rather than negatively impacting it. However, they’re only a solution to the underlying problem.
When you’re being affected by very poor water quality, it’s important to address the situation as soon as possible.
In the event that something around the house (such as old pipes) is impacting your water, reach out to a professional who can figure out what the issue is and what’s needed to fix it. This will make it so that you’re not leaning so heavily on water filters as a means to make sure you can access healthy water.
If there’s an inherent problem with the water itself that the city isn’t addressing, get it tested. There are at-home test kits as well as independent labs that will offer you the tools and support you need to test your water quality.
Should something come up that’s concerning and could be dangerous to others in your area, you can reach out to the city with the results so they can take the necessary actions to rectify the situation.
No matter what the issue may be, it’s always best to reach out for help while taking individual action.
Can Water Filters Clean Extremely Dirty Water? They Sure Can!
Knowing that a water filter can positively impact the quality of your water and help you lead a healthier lifestyle can be a major relief. However, it’s important to remember that there are always conditions.
Every water filtration system is different. While some may be excellent at clearing out sediment, others may only focus on targeting certain chemicals. You have to know exactly what the quality of your water is, which types of filtration systems address that issue, and which products on the market are the best to turn to for that specific problem.
As long as you do your research and employ high-quality items to help you filter out your drinking water or the water you use for other day-to-day activities, you should experience very few issues moving forward.